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Instead of showing the rate negotiated as it has in the past, FedRooms.com now shows the traveler the lowest rate available

FedRooms.com Booking Tool Enhancement

We are excited to announce an enhancement for the FedRooms.com booking tool, available as a market research tool and secondary booking option.

When looking at a property rate on fedrooms.com, travelers previously saw the FedRooms rate negotiated, which is the highest rate that the property can load and must be at or below per diem. As the traveler clicked the arrow to see more, the FedRooms rates in the “room types” section would sometimes show a drastically lower price than the property rate due to market conditions.

As we have seen in 2020 in particular, market conditions can substantially change from one month to the next. Instead of showing the rate negotiated as it has in the past, FedRooms.com now shows the traveler the lowest rate available. Travelers can now:

-  Sort properties by price when selecting where to stay and have an accurate number for comparison

-  Understand the market price for the properties in the area during the time of their trip

-  Use FedRooms.com for competitive shopping of rates available for their stay

As a rule travelers should first book FedRooms rates through their preferred booking tool, ETS2 (ConcurGov or E2 Solutions) or the Defense Travel System (DTS). For those choosing to use FedRooms.com as a supplemental booking tool or for price comparison, use this guide to create a FedRooms.com account for future use.